Michigan to Provide Universal Access to PSAT 8/9 and PSAT 10 to Support College Readiness for Students
MDE, College Board also announce Tuesday, April 12, 2016, as date of first statewide SAT administration; To make it easier for students to succeed, Michigan students can now access free, personalized SAT practice at KhanAcademy.org
LANSING, Mich. – The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) and the College Board continue to work closely to ensure a seamless transition to the 2016 statewide administration of the SAT® as part of the Michigan Merit Examination. In addition to preparing for the statewide SAT administration, starting next spring, the state will provide free access to the PSAT™ 8/9 to ninth-grade students and the PSAT™ 10 to 10th-grade students.
The skills and knowledge measured by these assessments are the same as those measured by the SAT, so students and educators can monitor progress and identify areas in need of improvement. In addition, PSAT-related assessment results are the best predictor of a student's likelihood to succeed in certain AP® courses. Students who take the PSAT 10 will have access to more than $180 million in expanded scholarship opportunities.
Also today, MDE and the College Board announced April 12, 2016, as the date of the first statewide SAT administration.
"This provides a powerful opportunity to bridge student learning from grades 3-8 through high school and post-secondary," said Michigan's State Superintendent Mike Flanagan. "The tests are aligned with Michigan's state standards and provide a key link to career and college readiness for Michigan students. We appreciate the work being done with the College Board to provide our students with the tools and resources for success."
"We are excited that, starting next spring, Michigan ninth- and 10th-grade students will have free access to the redesigned PSAT-related assessments, critical tools that open doors for focused instruction, prepare students for success in college and career training programs, identify students who have fallen behind and need to accelerate their progress, expand access to challenging AP course work, and help ensure more successful transitions to college," said Cyndie Schmeiser, College Board chief of assessment.
The redesigned SAT and the PSAT-related assessments are focused on the few durable things that evidence shows matter most for college and career success, and they reflect what Michigan students are already learning in their classrooms.
To make it easier for students to succeed, students in Michigan and worldwide can access, for free, Official SAT® Practice on KhanAcademy.org. The interactive, personalized online practice tools are designed to help level the playing field for students who are interested in taking the SAT and preparing for college-level courses. Unlike traditional high-priced test prep that focuses on strategies for taking the test and quick cramming, Official SAT Practice supports and reinforces what Michigan students are learning in classrooms by helping them focus on the knowledge and skills most essential for college readiness. Official SAT Practice is available for free, exclusively from the College Board and Khan Academy. It is designed to easily be used by students, families, schools, community organizations, and after-school programs – anytime, anywhere.
Michigan students and their families will also benefit from the scholarship opportunities connected to these College Board assessments, as well as the college application fee waivers provided by the College Board.
While the SAT, which is accepted at all Michigan universities, is a familiar exam to many in the state, MDE and the College Board are making available to districts resources and support services focused on the key features of the redesigned assessment. This information will help districts understand how they can interpret and use the results to propel more students to college and career readiness. Additional information is available for students, parents, and educators at collegeboard.org/michigan.